

A Webquest for ESL students!


Have you ever seen a documentary about India?

Do you know that social classes are important there?

India was a British colony.

John is an American journalist who must write an article for an important American newspaper about India during the British colonization. He must travel to India and there interview a rich and a poor native and a British colonist too.

Your job will be to gather information given by the different people through interviews and write the article.

The Task

Form groups of four. Each group has four roles: the journalist, the rich native, the poor native and the colonist. You will search information about your character to answer the journalist question.

The final task is writing the article using the information the journalist will have compiled.

The Process

To accomplish the task, you must follow the steps.

1. Work individually and do your character's activities:

This webquest was created thinking of 4th ESO level students. However, it can also be used with batxillerat students.

1. The Journalist: Complete the table2. The poor native Treasure hunt

3. The rich native Treasure hunt

4. The colonist Treasure hunt

2. Get ready for the interviews: the Journalist asks some questions to the poor native, the rich one and the colonist. Once the interviews are finished, the Journalist can start writing the article helped by the others.



You have learned a lot about India and its people . Therefore, you can visit India in a near future and contrast the information which you have acquired through the Internet. You can look for more information and compare India with your own country and with similar countries. Remember to consider all the points of point before creating your own opinion.

Credits & References

We would like to thank the inventor of “the google site” since it has helped us to find beautiful pictures.

We also want to thank Isabel Pérez whose help made possible the culmination of this work.

Bernie Dodge´s knowledge about webquests has been essential as well as the technical devices of CEP Manacor